About Me

I am an academician, web developer. Currently I am pursuing my Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science & Engineering from University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  • Name:Sheikh Ahad Ahmed
  • Email:ahmedriyal@gmail.com
  • Phone:+8801747834180
  • Country: Bangladesh
  • City:Dhaka


HTML 95%
CSS 80%
JS 30%
Python 50%
Django 40%
C 70%
C++ 60%
Java 50%
Postgresql 90%
MySql 70%


Jersey Shop

Python • Django • HTML • CSS • JavaScript • Postgresql

A website for football apparel where people can buy football club and country kits.

Inventory Management System

Python • Django • Postgresql


Python • Django • Postgresql

A jobportal website specially built for freshers and undergraduates who look for internship.


Python • Django • Postgresql

A website for a cafe called TanTabaT.


HTML • CSS • JavaScript

Personal portfolio website created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

e-healthcare System

HTML • Bootstrap • JavaScript • Django • Mysql

Smart healthcare system.

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